
the instructional sutra


a vacant dream in a still reflection of an empty sky…

intuitions are the mind's instructions received FROM awareness, but they are reality's instructions received BY awareness.

intuition is the language of reality with which awareness speaks to mind.

when awareness speaks, reality talks.

this is how the mind sees it; in awareness, it's all one awareness.

there is no outside.

and it follows, there is no inside.

the illusion of ten thousand things IS mind.

truth IS awareness: nondual here now.

mind is within awareness but mind is not awareness.

awareness utilizes mind as a wonderful tool and not vice versa.

mind rests in awareness and awareness rests in reality, that: one.

awareness works with mind and rests in reality.

to think otherwise is just awareness losing itself in the wonders of mind thinking otherwise.

these words were a tool being used by awareness to free itself from the grips of its wonderful machine; now throw them away.

shanti shanti shanti

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