
the whitey bulger sutra


the world is playing in the open theater of awareness.

but the world doesn't know it's playing.

that which knows the world is playing renders to the world its play.

that which appears to take the world play seriously is either playing with the world like a cat would with a mouse...

or is seriously deluded.

krishna or krazy!

that fully lush green maple leaf has fallen through the sunny summer sky exactly at the moment it was made to fall.

that 80-year old fugitive transgressor southie hoodlum, whitey bulger, was apprehended by the fbi exactly at the moment he was made to fall.

those innocent and gulity people he allegedly had murdered died upon the moment they were meant to fall.

it all appears to happen and it happens when it’s made to happen, but in reality nothing truly happens.

appearances appear and thought full mist of mind interprets them along the lines of its conditioning & dna; just another closed loop system.

outside the loop is consciousness—in fact, it is the rope that is the loop. it ties the loop, unties the loop, and ties the loop again.

the mind mistakes the rope that makes the loop and calls it whitey bulger.

shanti shanti shanti

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