
the what the what sutra


all manifestation, this body, all people, all creatures, the world, all galaxies, the whole physical universe itself is my BEING.

this sweet rare atmosphere, all void and empty space here and there in all the universe is my AWARENESS.

this vital breath, its breathing in and breathing out, this meeting point of manifestation and space, is my ENERGY.

what A calls the i found it - i lost it syndrome is just a natural part of the awakening process varying efficiencies from optimum to lesser.

since there is no difference in essence between energy-being-aware and fear-body-thinking, it's that classic case of cloud and sun.

it's been my experience as a whetherman there are often a few straggler clouds and rogue showers after days and days of a long dark storm.

it’s easier to describe the false than the true: fear, body, & thinking are truly the false; but energy, being, & aware are falsely the true.

to be truthful then, ENERGY BEING AWARE, in that the Truth is NOT UNENERGETIC and NOT NON-EXISTENT and NOT UNAWARE.

all spiritless but for what is not unenergetic; all insubstantial but for what is not non-existent; all ignorant but for what is not unaware.

and—i am what.

shanti shanti shanti

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