
the pyramidic sutra


one has been fear-body-thinking so long that it appears to be the natural state.

although it's true there's nothing to do, there is this one thing to stop doing: fear-body-thinking.

one stops doing fear-body-thinking by seeing through fear-body-thinking so fear-body-thinking, unenergized, stops itself.

as energy-being-aware begins loving, living & apperceiving itself, fear-body-thinking stops disheartening, limiting & conceptualizing itself.

the energy of breath is where the rubber of awareness meets the road of being.

and as fear-body-thinking really thinks it is nothing, energy-being-aware is aware it's really the nothing that is not even nothing.

it begins as a concept to stop being in concept and then all concepts are discarded, and be.

fear-body-thinking is the great triangular pyramid of concepts; eliminate one side and the whole thing comes crashing down in time.

but see through all sides & one is instantly awake in brahman consciousness which is enlightened by the absolute reality unavailable to mind.

shanti shanti shanti

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