
the minding sutra


one doesn't walk in nature; nature is mind moving in one.

the wind is mind moving within one.

appearances appearing.


the only time one is not minding is in deep sleep.

there's nothing wrong with minding; it's identifying with the mind that brings on suffering; but there's nothing wrong with that as well.

all the world is minding; that oscillating fan is minding; the wall is minding; the keyboard is minding; this typing is minding.

but i'm not the world, the fan, the wall, the keyboard, the typing, the minding. although it's all in me.

it's not that i don't mind; i'm just not mind.

no-mind is a misnomer; NOT-MIND is more to the point.

there's no end to mind although there's seeing thru (awareness of) mind;

so what a person thinks is the ordinary state and what is really the ordinary state are two very different states.

one is the ordinary state of mind and the other is the natural state of consciousness.

or what is thought to be the ordinary state of mind by one identified with the mind.

there are those that say enlightenment is ordinary; it's important to understand their definition of the word.

if one defines the word as that ordinary state of mind experienced by one identified with the mind, then that one is ordinarily deluded.

if one defines the word as the NATURAL state of consciousness not identified with mind, then that one is naturally enlightening.

the mind is like a prism and you are that awareness of white light—that thought it was the prism, and the spectrum, the lights that made it.

shanti shanti shanti

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