
and the lord said sutra

and the lord said beware those who come carrying gifts of scripture for they would imprison you in their words.

and the lord said an ass will pass through the eye of a needle before a single word turns real.

and the lord said reality is what you are and not within the knowledge of all words.

and the lord said one and one is two but two is just a product of the one.

and the lord said those who love through lies are only lying to themselves about their love.

and the lord said it's gonna be a scorchah out today so be sure to drink plenty of liquids and stay cool.

and the lord said no words are truer spoken.

and the lord said it's funny how a person always wants to accentuate the positive without accepting the negative that fatedly accompanies it.

and the lord said i made the grass green & the scythe that lays it low & the emerald grasshoppers flying to their sanctuary, but you made me.

and the lord said isn't it something else that it's not even nothing.

and the lord said consciousness is the sinner and ego is the sin or something to that effect.

and the lord said love consciousness; slap ego.

and the lord said remember in these sublime matters, consciousness is always talking to consciousness.

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