
the dangerous sutra

this watermelon is making me not thirsty.

pointing is a dangerous pastime.

truth knows no one.

mind is best used to unmind.

truth can only be intuitively known.

disidentify, disidentify, disidentify.

all one can do is be what one is: i am that i am.

being may only know itself, but reality will know being.

when being is lost in misidentification, there is nothing there for reality to know.

but pointing is a dangerous pastime.

there are not enough dead buddhas on the road.

there are many crosses but not enough dead christs either.

even jefferson knew his greatest failure was the us government; he wanted dead usa's every 20 years.

only from the fire does the phoenix rise.

still, green wood doesn't burn; the ripening a religion may give could be necessary. but 20 years on the day shift will suffice as well.

the most dangerous religion is that of one; thus, in the end, the person must go.

but the death of the person is really the beginning.

so this is where some like Nisargadatta begin their teaching.

but pointing is a dangerous pastime.

the ego, person, dream character, name your naming poison, wants something out of spirituality: peace, love, joy, union, oneness, you names it.

but the ego gets nothing.

reality gets it all, and that's the truth.

if you don't want the truth, then find an appropriate religion.

if the end of suffering yourself is not joy enough, then don't go looking for the truth.

true spirituality is not a positive process; it's about the end of suffering your self; it is a via negativa.

but there are many via positivas out there, some that even believe themselves negativa. if such is one's druthers.

but pointing is a dangerous pastime.

truth is a spear of watermelon.

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