
the three dreams sutra

you went to sleep last night and dreamt. now you think you have awoken, but you are still dreaming. actually, you are still being dreamt.

the dream just gets more technical with added bells & whistles called senses so things appear solid & other but they’re all you, dreaming.

the mind dreams; you don’t stop dreaming, but you can understand you are dreaming, know what you really aren't, and be what you are.

i think; therefore, i dream.

until you understand you are dreaming, it’s really going to hurt.

there's always a dream.

semantics are part of the dream.

so is this chair.

the dream is mind and mind is in me.

first, there’s dreaming, and not knowing there’s dreaming.

second, there’s dreaming, and knowing there’s dreaming, while still dreaming you’re a character in the dream.

third, there’s dreaming, and knowing there’s dreaming, and knowing you’re not the character in the dream, but all is in you—pure being.

the dream of war; the dream of love; the dream of no dream

there is no fundamentalism in pointing.

the moment one word is spoken (or thought) about 'truth,' it is, in essence, a lie.

true pointers point to the truth while admitting they are lies.

one of the things i appreciate about the lying pointer of three dreams is it clarifies much of the lies out there.

for example, most buddhism including the public dalai lama teach toward the second dream (even if the third dream of no dream is understood).

much of j krishnamurti teaches toward the second dream even if it appears 'he' existed in the third dream: rather than thought, love.

even that radical third dreamer jed mckenna suggests most folks really want the second dream of what he calls human adulthood & not his 3rd.

such is the paradox of three dreams when there's really none.

it helps to know what u thought u were in order to see what u aren’t so what u really are won’t be eclipsed when acting as if it isn’t.

when riding the dream, wear your attention.

do not enter the dream from a previous exit.

upon exiting the dream when in the company of 'others,' use the universally accepted signal of closing both eyes.

buttery english muffins are a pleasing dream; an overflowing septic tank is a displeasing dream; not dreaming, you eat both.

there is more truth in the presence of a newborn, horatio, than is dreamt of in your philosophy.

reality is the great eternal mother and consciousness her child dreaming there's this world called aum dada!

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