
the apocryphon of aum dada

The whole world is the creation of I-Am. Mind has always been its tool although mind ran way with that world.

Within the context of mind and its egoic self, there is no point to that world. Fear appears to be king and runs randomly rampant.

But in the context of I-Am, there is absolutely one point in that world and that is to break out of that world.

In the context of egoic self, the world appears to be real yet pointless and meaningless.

In the context of I-Am, the world appears to be a dream with a single point and meaning: waking up from that dreamstate.

Pulling back and looking at the physical realm of consciousness, in the context of egoic self, it appears violent and random.

In the light of consciousness, the physical world is one of light descending into matter and ascending back to light—one point.

In the unconscious ways of consciousness, the body appears to be involved within this reflexive drive of the universe in space-time.

In the conscious workings of consciousness, the mind appears to be involved within this reflexive drive of the dreamstate in human time.

Natural disasters as experienced within the dreamstate are meaningful on the unconscious level of the reflexive universe.

Human tragedies as experienced within the dreamstate are meaningful on the conscious level of the reflexive dreamstate.

All is expendable and all is sacrificial—consciousness is always ever-changing, ever-renewing, always making more of itself.

But when sitting on the pinnacle of both reflexive universe and reflexive dreamstate, one is truly blessed with double responsibility—svaha!

As the drive of the reflexive universe is pure light, the drive of the reflexive dreamstate is pure love, Satguru, I-Am itself alone and one.

The love of the Satguru is a love that can’t be expressed in terms of egoic self; it is as to compare electric light with sunlight.

But the loving drive of the reflexive dreamstate is just as powerful and single-driven as the nuclear drive of the reflexive universe.

Light, love, call it sunlove, has descended into the dreamstate of egoic self and is now being pulled up into itself by itself—the Satguru.

Each and every dreamstate interaction can be viewed within this so-called serendipitous and meaningful framework of waking up.

Again, it should be remembered that sunlove can be tough love, not completely understood by mind—but the Satguru will always make more.

The closer the egoic self is to dissolving into the pure awareness of I-Am, the more this serendipity will be experienced and understood…

until the only purpose of the dream character is the purpose of the reflexive dreamstate itself—the Bodhisattva drive of the Satguru.

As always, these are merely words used by consciousness to talk to itself understanding reality is available only to itself—Jai Guru Deva Om

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