
the impermanence sutra

play sutra! there are some persons who will think this is not a sutra. that's ok. this sutra will say they are not persons.

sweet words of nothing are not for the mind to know.

when satguru speaks, one listens with the heart and forgets everything heard.

truth has no modifier.

false is not reducible.

the fish jumps for one not fishing.

pure awareness shimmers into impermanence; its memory of impermanence is mind.

mind making impermanence ‘permanent’ is the world; mind making itself ‘permanent’ is the person.

attempting to make the impermanent impossibly permanent is another name for suffering.

the person seeing the falseness of permanence is the end of the person.

the end of the person is also the end of the world.

all that remains at the end of the world is all there ever was: pure awareness. beyond permanence; beyond impermanence; beyond beyond.

something there is about a sea.

you are the vanishing point.

when the outer is seen to be inner, there is no inner either.

all words always and only point to the nonexistence of all words.

every word that you've heard or read or spoken or written or just plain thought is trying to wake you up if you'd only be quiet and listen.

what mind thought a person, awareness knows a plaything. sutra play!

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