
an epistle to lao tzu

i'm beginning to see more clearly that most if not all translations of the tao have missed the true deep wisdom of lao tzu. #27 is example.

translations speak of perfect locks & sages abandoning no one & cloaking light & teachers respecting students & vice versa & subtle mystery.

but not one translation that i've read ties it all together into some cohesive unity of wisdom but rather it appears to be confusion itself.

but there's a key to the lock of #27 & that's veiled light. this IS the student & the actual resource the teacher uses. it IS the teaching.

that all are veiled light is the subtle mystery. it is why a sage saves all & abandons none. it's why true teaching ends in perfect wisdom.

if a teacher does not see light already there in the student and the student does not see the light in the teacher, there is only confusion.

without understanding all students are already light, but veiled, the teacher is a mere intellectual, a lightweight & his/her teaching useless.

and it is why most, if not all, translations of the tao are unworthy of the master. they fail to see that hidden light in themselves.

in the end, there's no teacher, no student, no teaching, no lao tzu, no translator, no reader, only light, only travelling w/o tracks, Way.

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