
the mayafucker sutra

if truth is really understood, all opposition is dropped; if opposition has not been dropped, misunderstanding is revealed. rinse and repeat.

opposition in social and political matters will be seen almost laughable, but last to go will be those spiritual ones closest to the heart.

but all opposition results from social conditioning and is the playground of maya and the prison of truth! tear down the walls mayafucker!

the last opposition is that one with maya. kiss and let her go her way. enjoy!

once the root of the error is seen, truth flowers.

i am not here to argue with your guru; i am here to let mine shine: i am!

drop the body of words; be only what is, that impersonal being, i am; rest in the pure awareness of reality and it will embody all in aught.

it looks like a path but it's really teleportation; the rules of time and space do not apply.

no words, i am, and that moment with reality is an infinity.

reality downloads the truth with unlimited bandwidth.

no words but ‘i am’ without the words.

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