
never the same rivers

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namaste amigos


the innocent prophecies - 25 - fool

—the way of the bird and the bliss of the bee——only the fool nose——the endless complications of the whys——unknow the known——be all the nothing you can be——turn on, tune in, drop body-mind——when in doubt, love; when love, be—


the innocent prophecies - 24 - dreaming

—stuck between the rock of dna and the hard place of social conditioning, what can a person do?——dreaming loves to analyze dreaming——attaching to the current as if it were the ground——the world is drowning in the zap——if you see love on the road to enlightenment, kiss it——to pray or prey, that is the homonym——there is more than one universe in this universe——disidentify, disidentify, disidentify——enjoying pleasure as it comes but not attaching——withstanding pain as it arrives without succumbing——youth is Brahma, creator of its world——maturity is Vishnu, preserver of the status quo——but Shiva is destroyer of this great illusion: hail!


the innocent prophecies - 23 - solstice2

—something solstice this way comes——like a june swoon state of no-mind——of the highest depth unordinary——in intuitive deepening verdant devotion——in surrender of the mountain goats and valley lambs——in midnight lunacy and solar silence——in the noontide dawning of unknowing——in that unthinkable lovable park——behold the indescribable scenic viewless—


the innocent prophecies - 22 - attraction

—if not for duality and personal delusion, there'd be no self-realization for the Self; it's a wonderful world and process!——as people, we manifest what we think we lack, only to discover upon its manifestation, it wasn't what we really lacked; rinse and repeat——yes virginia, the law of attraction actually appears to work, and its name is maya——ultimately one discovers it's only the thinking itself we are people who are lacking that requires not more acquisition but a letting-go——this is the real and only law: the law of subtraction——only in what the mind sees as zero is the infinite potentiality of the real unknown——the phoenix arises from the ashes of the person——the bodhisattva, the sage, the christ, the immortal is the one that begins from, and actualizes the truth of, zero——listen to the law of revelation, consciousness speaking to consciousness, chipping away the marble of thought, revealing you are i am that—


the innocent prophecies - 21 - manifest2

—loving the variety of phases that the moon will manifest is reserved for those who haven't yet realized they're the sun——the world is a confusion of love, a chaotic mass of conceptual separation struggling against all the supposed others for that feeling of union——love always manifests its intent no matter how unconscious its self-awareness may be, in inevitable attraction toward that self-awareness——but delusional love is the slow way of the samsaric world toward ending such delusion——mistaking worldly thunder for the lightning that one is——or one could directly love self-awareness and cut out the middle person——light loving light equals light—


the innocent prophecies - 20 - solstice

—like a solar samadhi, the solstice approaches——within an overwhelming fulfillment, the tilt of time will stop——all the echoing subsides and the verdant land just slips away——revealing this crystal stream of universal consciousness——and that bottomless bed of deepest soundless pure awareness—


the innocent prophecies - 19 - manifest

—the real is never fateful although the manifest is destiny——the pure potentiality of reality becomes the actuality of the dream——it is written that the golden one is always painted black and blue within the structure of the world——it goes unsaid that love creates the ceiling first and sees an edifice appear as its support——they say confusion turns to faith, but faith is always turning to itself—


the innocent prophecies - 18 - change

—before the world can change, one must be the change——and before one can be the change, one must learn to simply be——one must understand the world is divided because the person is divided——the person is divided because thought is naturally divisional——and the definition of a person is one that identifies with thought——therefore any action by a person to change the world originates from divisional identification and inevitably leads to more division——thus to change the world, a person must drop the personal and simply be——in simply being is that love and in this love is that creative change——first, be love; second, don't think about a second—


the innocent prophecies - 17 - sacrifice

—sacrifice is the necessary artifice for uncontrived reality——an empty nest is only empty of its source of sacrifice——and what is sacrificed is what was never really there——the sacrificial lamb reveals unyielding flame——aware—


the innocent prophecies - 16 - mirror

—i am the crown of creation, the body of the lord, and the ground on which i walk——i am the mercurial substance of this funhouse magic mirror——in which i get to see the awesome empty nobody of myself——where all my words mean nothing once i hear my silence——and the world is revealed to be diversionary tactics in the absolute strategy of my knowing my unknown—


the innocent prophecies - 15 - indescribable

—cemeteries are the great ruins of samsara——clouds are the walls of great nirvana—that unseen peak before the big bang is where i rest my space and time——the esoteric is not exotic——the indescribable is not descriptive——an all-pervasive awareness without a streak of thought——awareness of thought but not by thought——an imperishable immanence instilling the less than permanent terrain—


the innocent prophecies - 14 - sea

—the river of being has been filled in by the world with real estate and fast commerce——somewhere a meandering stream slips by in the mystery of mother night——a child comes to you and takes you there and holds you by the shore with one unanswerable question——and suddenly you find yourself alone unknown and in the middle of a vast and silent sea——and as if you never left, you settle in your depths—


the innocent prophecies - 13 - silence

—the sea that settles itself——the wave of discovering the wave was never a wave——opposing polarities, cancellations of sound, the primordial depths of stillness——this is the prophecy: you are the prophet; announce your silence!


the innocent prophecies - 12 - worldly

—no one of the world can help the world——division in division out——smiling buddha was the alias for india’s first nuclear explosion——worldly knowledge only works within the limits of the world——the way of sunlight on lilac corollas——the way of moonlit obsidian rivers——the way that stars come to light from the darkness——love is absolutely unimaginable—


the innocent prophecies - 11 - enlightened

—if imagination creates one's view of reality—and it really does—then imagine you're enlightened—because you really are—


the innocent prophecies - 10 - babylon

—an environmental plague of superstorms now haunts the gilded living rooms of babylon in highest definition——the weather channel is the writing on the wall—— weeping for the children in the desert wasteland of material chaos, o babylon remembers love——once there was a sea where now there is this waterfront——once there was a place where now there is location location location——once there was a once and future love and still it reigns within the mists of babylon—


the innocent prophecies - 9 - belief

—don't believe in disbelief; know it——righteousness in the deep belief of love always turns to hating those who don't believe as righteously——love love and leave the rest to love—


the innocent prophecies - 8 - love

—love lives in the concrete cracks of the separate self——the lunar landing of the first love on the moon took place before the first word on this earth——love deifies that which thought has reified——the child in the grass, the folk of the leaves, the lover from the sun—

the innocent prophecies - 7 - presentless

—the nonconditioning of deep sleep——the buddha of buddhalessness——the visionary lack of vision——presenting the presentless!——meanwhile love imagines a colorful dawn—


the innocent prophecies - 6 - peacemaker

—the imagination of a verdant landscape in the memory of dissevered existence——beneath soaring eastern white pines, a red house sits in shadow——to the people of the longhouse, the pinus strobus is the tree of peace, its bundles of five needles the symbol of five nations joined as one——the great peacemaker is the prophet, blinding separation with a clarion of light greater than the sun—


the innocent prophecies - 5 - respiration

the conspiracy of respiration starts with a single leaf—this holistic breath of emptiness—the deep exhalation of paradoxical existence—a butterfly resting within the eye of its own hurricane


the innocent prophecies - 4 - shaman

the only shaman is the shaman of ice cream—shaman says: touch your heart—shaman says: don't even think about not thinking—speak your way. fall back 10000 paces! shaman didn't say—sometimes you lick the ice cream and sometimes the ice cream licks you

the innocent prophecies - 3 - garden

in this garden of love, awareness grows—the flowering of silence—sweet fragrances of ripe potentiality—the bees! the bees! the bees!


the innocent prophecies - 2 - love

to serve god is to be love and to be god is to serve love


the innocent prophecies - 1 - imagination

as matter arises in consciousness, the world arises in imagination—the past is outer; the present is inner—the future is intuition—and all are but sweet nothings in the clear dissolving light of pure affectionate awareness


39th circular - last word / no word

surrender is more than just a word; it's the last word—

surrendering what i thought i was to what i am—

revealing there is nothing there to be surrendered—

surrender isn't just a word; it's the realization there is no word…

verse: word

surrender is more than just a word;
it's the last word—

surrendering what i thought i was
to what i am—

revealing there is nothing there
to be surrendered—

surrender isn't just a word;
it's the realization

there is no word…


38th circular - diversion

relatively speaking, this world is a necessary diversion and descent from the evolutionary ascending trajectory of being becoming self-aware—

the light of infancy descends into the rock-like hard egoic self—

the rock of self erodes within its time of suffering into a lighter substance providing an organic movement up toward life and light—

a person's world is thought so small; love conceives a light infinitely larger.

verse: a necessary diversion and descent

relatively speaking,
this world is a necessary diversion and descent
from the evolutionary ascending trajectory
of being becoming self-aware—

the light of infancy descends
into the rock-like hard egoic self—

the rock of self erodes
within its time of suffering
into a lighter substance providing
an organic movement up toward life and light—

a person's world is thought so small;
love conceives a light infinitely larger.

37th circular - signs

intuition and synchronous signs are the push and pull respectively for the vehicle of the action figure dream character called a person—

when intuition and synchronous signs are ignored, these subtle energies are replaced with the more obvious ones of nightmares and sufferings—

it doesn't hurt to remember the dream character is not in control: surrender to the script.

verse: intuition and synchronous signs

intuition and synchronous signs are
the push and pull respectively
for the vehicle of the action figure
dream character called a person—

when intuition and synchronous signs are ignored,
these subtle energies are replaced
with the more obvious ones
of nightmares and sufferings—

it doesn't hurt to remember
the dream character is not in control:
surrender to the script.

36th circular - knowledge

this tangled knot of thoughts acquires a glimmer of the truth in a single timeless loving moment that unties itself into that truth—

consciousness knowing itself is love and love is the only knowledge but love aware is the manifestation of the great and real unknown—

thus love is everything but love aware is the wisdom knowing that it's nothing.

verse: knowing that it's nothing

this tangled knot of thoughts acquires
a glimmer of the truth in a single timeless loving moment
that unties itself into that truth—

consciousness knowing itself is love
and love is the only knowledge
but love aware is the manifestation of
the great and real unknown—

thus love is everything
but love aware is the wisdom
knowing that it's nothing.

35th circular - done

the first key is to see what appears as matter, including what appears to be you, arises in nonlocalized consciousness, and not vice versa—

the second key is to see the witnessing awareness in consciousness i am is a reflection of the great unknown, and astonishingly, I Am That—

there's no localized seeing though since consciousness is non-localized, or universal, so the person doesn't do a thing, but is done: no key—

but whatever a person thinks it does is its necessary response to being done until it's only response is dropping all response & just be done—

if a person wants to monitor how done it is, it should monitor its responses; the more unconditional love present there, the more done it is—

it's helpful to understand there's no fooling the monitor; trying to respond with unconditional love fools no one but the person not done.

verse: so the person doesn't do a thing

the first key is to see what appears as matter,
including what appears to be you,
arises in nonlocalized consciousness,
and not vice versa—

the second key is to see
the witnessing awareness in consciousness i am is
a reflection of the great unknown,
and astonishingly, I Am That—

there's no localized seeing though
since consciousness is non-localized, or universal,
so the person doesn't do a thing, but is done:
no key—

but whatever a person thinks it does is
its necessary response to being done
until it's only response is dropping all response
and just be done—

if a person wants to monitor how done it is,
it should monitor its responses;
the more unconditional love present there,
the more done it is—

it's helpful to understand there's no fooling the monitor;
trying to respond with unconditional love fools no one
but the person not done.

34th circular - manifestation

to change the world, one only needs to let its concept change—

the person and its world are the manifestation of concepts truly believed; when the concepts believed change, so does the manifestation—

when all concepts are seen through, manifestation is lucid

verse: one only needs to let its concept change

to change the world,
one only needs to let its concept change—

the person and its world are the manifestation
of concepts truly believed;
when the concepts believed change,
so does the manifestation—

when all concepts are seen through,
manifestation is lucid.

33rd circular - dream

relatively speaking, if the purpose of the dream is waking up from it, then the purpose of the awake in the dream is to help dreamers wake—

& again relatively speaking, for those absolutists in the dream with nothing to do and no doer that does and no dream to do it in, why dream—

an esoteric bodhisattva is just what happens in the lucid dreaming remaining, before the body-mind dissolves, as embodiment of understanding—

the west is not the east; there is no tradition of the esoteric here that's self-supporting or self-forming; it was burned by rome—

the way in the west must use the western ways to turn them toward the dawn

verse: to help dreamers wake

relatively speaking,
if the purpose of the dream is waking up from it,
then the purpose of the awake in the dream is
to help dreamers wake—

and again relatively speaking,
for those absolutists in the dream with nothing to do
and no doer that does and no dream to do it in,
why dream—

an esoteric bodhisattva is just what happens
in the lucid dreaming remaining,
before the body-mind dissolves,
as embodiment of understanding—

the west is not the east;
there is no tradition of the esoteric here
that's self-supporting or self-forming;
it was burned by rome—

the way in the west must use the western ways
to turn them toward the dawn.

32nd circular - being

beginning at the beginning is the beginningless—

in the unconditional love and nonconceptual being is that dark witnessing reflection of a pure and clear awareness beyond the scope of being—

words can only point to this wordless non-localized feeling shimmering with a crisp clear open invisibly dispassionate and deep awareness—

attaching to a single word describing it will bring the world of trouble hiding it despite the single truth there's nothing there except it.

verse: beyond the scope of being

beginning at the beginning is the beginningless—

in the unconditional love
and nonconceptual being is
that dark witnessing reflection
of a pure and clear awareness
beyond the scope of being—

words can only point
to this wordless non-localized feeling
shimmering with a crisp clear open invisibly
dispassionate and deep awareness—

attaching to a single word describing it
will bring the world of trouble hiding it
despite the single truth there's nothing there except it.

31st circular - love

this world is conceived in the conceptual and dropped by conceptual advice that truth is non-conceptual and not of this world—

thus, more often than not, esoteric concepts leading to an unknowable truth result in exoteric concepts forming beliefs about the unknown—

emptiness truth really isn't empty; highest truth really isn't higher; even existential truth doesn't actually exist—

considering concepts carefully, it would appear that one could do no worse than say that truth is love and love is what i am, unconditionally—

and that unknown witnessing awareness to which one ultimately points in an astonishing exclamation of "i am that" is an affectionate awareness—

if esoteric must lead one astray to exoteric, then let it be love to which one is led—

before encountering the unknowable parent, one rests in the son white light love 'i am' free of the filtering spectrum of conceptual belief—

for i am the kingdom of life, and the power of love, and the glory of pure awareness, for ever amen.

verse: truth is love and love is what i am

this world is conceived in the conceptual
and dropped by conceptual advice
that truth is non-conceptual
and not of this world—

thus, more often than not,
esoteric concepts
leading to an unknowable truth
result in exoteric concepts
forming beliefs about the unknown—

emptiness truth really isn't empty;
highest truth really isn't higher;
even existential truth doesn't actually exist—

considering concepts carefully,
it would appear that one could do no worse than say
that truth is love and love is what i am,

and that unknown witnessing awareness
to which one ultimately points
in an astonishing exclamation of "i am that"
is an affectionate awareness—

if esoteric must lead one astray to exoteric,
then let it be love to which one is led—

before encountering the unknowable parent,
one rests in the son white light love 'i am'
free of the filtering spectrum of conceptual belief—

for i am the kingdom of life,
and the power of love,
and the glory of pure awareness,
for ever amen.

30th circular - story

birds make nests, beavers make dams, humans make themselves—

fly away from the nest, swim away from the dam, drop away from the web—

sky, sea, ground—

spiders spin a web, humans spin a story—

soar from yourself and watch the wind blow away your story—

spacious open one aware—

there's only one development of character within this single plot of story: wake up!

verse: this single plot of story

birds make nests,
beavers make dams,
humans make themselves—

fly away from the nest,
swim away from the dam,
drop away from the web—

sky, sea, ground—

spiders spin a web,
humans spin a story—

soar from yourself and
watch the wind blow away your story—

spacious open one aware—

there's only one development of character
within this single plot of story—

wake up!


29th circular - emotion

in this world, only unconditional love is real, and all spontaneous emotion is that love filtered through the spectrum of belief—

to test one's current understanding of what's real, place full attention on emotions, large & subtle, finding those illusions still believed—

those subtlest emotions categorized under the generic names of pride and shame may often be the grand illusion's last stand—

there's absolutely nothing one can do about these emotions except not deny them, and experience them fully and completely; seeing is freeing.

verse: all spontaneous emotion is that love filtered

in this world,
only unconditional love is real,
and all spontaneous emotion is that love filtered
through the spectrum of belief—

to test one's current understanding of what's real,
place full attention on emotions, large & subtle,
finding those illusions still believed—

those subtlest emotions categorized
under the generic names of pride and shame
may often be the grand illusion's last stand—

there's absolutely nothing one can do
about these emotions except not deny them,
and experience them fully and completely;
seeing is freeing.


28th circular - awareness

awareness is the ground and witness, dark mother of and in the light—

the best comparison to that awareness is one of deep sleep but even that shines a shimmer of experience where there's absolutely none—

one can never know awareness but only be awareness and in that being is the great unknown—

but thoughts about awareness only lead to headaches; better known by nothing than trying to know something unknowable—

"It is like the daylight that makes everything visible while itself remaining invisible." ~Nisargadatta Maharaj

verse: awareness is the ground and witness

awareness is the ground and witness,
dark mother of and in the light—

the best comparison to that awareness is
one of deep sleep but even that shines
a shimmer of experience where
there's absolutely none—

one can never know awareness
but only be awareness
and in that being is the great unknown—

but thoughts about awareness
only lead to headaches;
better known by nothing
than trying to know something unknowable—

"It is like the daylight t
hat makes everything visible
while itself remaining invisible."
~Nisargadatta Maharaj


27th circular - peace

all real peace efforts must be directed inwards; it's not about the other person, party, politician, or whatever scapegoat of your choice—

until one truly understands there is no other, there will always be another war within your world: the war of wars, your personal war, you—

peace is what remains when the personal is dropped; thus ends this morning's sermon: go now, rest in peace—

when the personal is dropped, what remains is the awareness of being; thus being comes to know it is that, pure awareness: nothing to it.

verse: peace is what remains when the personal is dropped

all real peace efforts must be directed inwards;
it's not about the other
person, party, politician, or
whatever scapegoat of your choice—

until one truly understands there is no other,
there will always be another war within your world:
the war of wars, your personal war, you—

peace is what remains
when the personal is dropped;
thus ends this morning's sermon:
go now, rest in peace—

when the personal is dropped,
what remains is the awareness of being;
thus being comes to know it is that,
pure awareness: nothing to it.


26th circular - love

love is not romantic, thoughtful, or restricted to a person, place, or thing but unconditional in understanding all that's manifest is one—

one is conditioned into two with views of black and white, good and bad, beautiful and ugly through the artificial separation of a me and you—

everything becomes objective and the object appearing to be me usurps the character of that real subjective great unknown in its selfish way—

love is not objective and thus undermines the false subjective with its revolutionary force: original, creative, unitary, and self-aware.

verse: love is not objective

love is not romantic,
thoughtful, or restricted
to a person, place, or thing
but unconditional in understanding
all that's manifest is one—

one is conditioned into two
with views of black and white,
good and bad,
beautiful and ugly
through the artificial separation of
a me and you—

everything becomes objective
and the object appearing to be me
usurps the character of
that real subjective great unknown
in its selfish way—

love is not objective
and thus undermines the false subjective
with its revolutionary force:
original, creative, unitary, and self-aware.


25th circular – dropping-off

this simple dropping-off may often feel as if there's effort—

like floating on the ocean, there's a kicking and a paddling of extremities at first until one rests full weight upon the lifting of the sea—

after all, it's not exactly like a dead man's float, this self returning to itself, this one of being—

there's a liveliness, a never-ending energy, a crisp but peaceful buzz akin to something like orgasm in slow-motion

not dead-weight.

verse: akin to something like orgasm

this simple dropping-off may often feel
as if there's effort—

like floating on the ocean,
there's a kicking
and a paddling of extremities at first
until one rests full weight
upon the lifting of the sea—

after all, it's not exactly
like a dead man's float,
this self returning to itself,
this one of being—

there's a liveliness,
a never-ending energy,
a crisp but peaceful buzz
akin to something like orgasm
in slow-motion

not dead-weight.


24th circular - wholly

this instrument of body-mind of, in, by, for consciousness as self-awareness, isn't separate but organic with the universe as one accessory—

this one whatchamacallit created in the ways and means of this whatever in however it appears within this i am that one calls being aware—

yet what's thought as separate ensues in separation a samsaric fright horrific play of maya from minutiae of irritation to apocalyptic holocaust—

but nothing separate exists and anything which ensues in separation doesn't really happen and everything is perfectly wholly holy silence.

verse: one whatchamacallit created in the ways and means of this whatever

this instrument of body-mind
of, in, by, for consciousness
as self-awareness,
isn't separate but organic
with the universe as one accessory—

this one whatchamacallit
created in the ways and means
of this whatever
in however it appears
within this i am that one calls
being aware—

yet what's thought as separate
ensues in separation
a samsaric fright horrific play of maya
from minutiae of irritation
to apocalyptic holocaust—

but nothing separate exists
and anything which ensues in separation
doesn't really happen
and everything is perfectly
wholly holy silence.


23rd circular - strings

out of silence strings appear to vibrate in an aum of musical being with no strings attached—

memory banks attach each string to thoughts of gain and loss and life and death and nothing sings within that world of constant noise—

stop and rest within original being and all strings disattach from false attachments in thin air to vibrate in the music of an unborn sphere—

where awareness is the witness to this random waltz of wonder and being’s sudden silent realization i am that…

verse: being’s sudden silent realization

out of silence
strings appear to vibrate
in an aum of musical being
with no strings attached—

memory banks attach each string
to thoughts of gain and loss
and life and death
and nothing sings within
that world of constant noise—

stop and rest within original being
and all strings disattach
from false attachments in thin air
to vibrate in the music
of an unborn sphere—

where awareness is the witness
to this random waltz of wonder
and being’s sudden silent realization
i am that…


22nd circular - instrument

this node of consciousness called the body-mind is a most highly sophisticated instrument capable of amplifying consciousness within itself—

when this instrument is functioning at optimum levels, the supreme awareness within consciousness is now aware of consciousness, self-aware—

it is as if to say that god the child becomes aware of itself by god the parent in itself through the instrument of, by, in, & for the child—

it's a highly sensitive self-evolving instrument that in its early immature stages gets lost within its memory unit and plays its mind games—

wake up! and listen to the music that is you…

verse: god the child becomes aware of itself

this node of consciousness
called the body-mind is
a most highly sophisticated instrument
capable of amplifying consciousness within itself—

when this instrument is functioning at optimum levels,
the supreme awareness within consciousness is
now aware of consciousness,

it is as if to say that
god the child becomes aware of itself
by god the parent in itself
through the instrument of, by, in, & for the child—

it's a highly sensitive self-evolving instrument
that in its early immature stages
gets lost within its memory unit
and plays its mind games—

wake up!
and listen to the music that is you…


21st circular - identification

a person and its world derived from identification with thought exhibits the essence of thought which is binary—

this binary essence of thought, as manifested in what is thought to be the ordinary world of the person, is divisive and always at odds—

instead of one using a knife, a person becomes the knife—

this divisive world is inevitably one of disagreement, argument, and incompatibility resulting in anger, violence, murder, rape, revenge and war—

on the other hand, there's this one of no hand, indefinable and not at all aligned within this sick deluded world thought to be the real world—

simply said: varietal but non-divisive and dispassionate yet compassionate. nothing critical, just lovingly real.

verse: a person becomes the knife

a person and its world
derived from identification with thought
exhibits the essence of thought
which is binary—

this binary essence of thought,
as manifested in what is thought
to be the ordinary world of the person,
is divisive and always at odds—

instead of one using a knife,
a person becomes the knife—

this divisive world is inevitably
one of disagreement, argument, and
incompatibility resulting in
anger, violence, murder, rape, revenge and war—

on the other hand,
there's this one of no hand,
indefinable and not at all aligned
within this sick deluded world
thought to be the real world—

simply said:
varietal but non-divisive
and dispassionate yet compassionate.
nothing critical,
just lovingly real.


20th circular - intuiting

the intuiting that i’m consciousness is consciousness; i am not intuiting: i am the intuiting—

to be perfectly clear, the person that i thought i was was never here; here there’s only this awareness being bliss—

now is universal consciousness from which the mind (of and in this consciousness) projects a universe—

and in the beginningless end, i'm not blown away by all these words; rather, i blow these words away...

verse: i blow these words away

the intuiting
that i’m consciousness
is consciousness;
i am not intuiting:
i am the intuiting—

to be perfectly clear,
the person that i thought i was
was never here;
here there’s only this
awareness being bliss—

now is universal consciousness
from which the mind
(of and in this consciousness)
projects a universe—

and in the beginningless end,
i'm not blown away
by all these words; rather,
i blow these words away...


19th circular - feeling

how unnatural it is to think that one is two, me and you, that i am something separate from this all i see—

but intuition, apperception, oh god forbid yes, call this third eye, sixth sense what it is, a feeling! that the being here continues there—

all this evolutionary necessity, this dreamlike separation, this scientific fact founded on the rock of its illusion feels like nothing now—

i, the noumenal, feel all phenomenal for all phenomena is i, no matter what sad angry separate nonsense me and you may think.

verse: that the being here continues there

how unnatural it is to think
that one is two,
me and you,
that i am something separate
from this universe i sing—

but intuition,
oh god forbid yes,
call this third eye,
sixth sense
what it is:
a feeling!
that the being here
continues there—

all this evolutionary necessity,
this dreamlike separation,
this scientific fact founded
on the rock of its illusion
feels like nothing now—

i, the noumenal,
feel all phenomenal
for all phenomena is i,
no matter what sad angry
separate nonsense
me and you may think.


18th circular – stateless state

whatever this identification with thought is called, just drop it, including whatever this identification with thought is called—

identification with thought inevitably leads to the strong defense of such identification; drop the state and all its armies disappear—

rest in that stateless state, the natural state, of what would be called ‘awareness being bliss’ if there were a state to call it such in that—

all these words and all defense and opposition of these words are thereby dropped as well within this stateless state these words are only stating.

verse: drop the state and all its armies disappear

whatever this identification with thought is called,
just drop it,
including whatever this identification with thought is called—

identification with thought inevitably leads
to the strong defense of such identification;
drop the state and all its armies disappear—

rest in that stateless state,
the natural state,
of what would be called
‘awareness being bliss’
if there were a state to call it such in that—

all these words
and all defense and opposition of these words
are thereby dropped as well
within this stateless state
these words are only stating.


17th circular – non-phenomenally noumenal

it's not that there's nothing, but the something we believe to be the all and everything is really not a thing at all—

what there is is that unknown; not non-existent, not non-energetic, not non-aware, but non-phenomenally noumenal, and emphatically this is that—

and this which is one united loving and compassionate fantastic mystical light of light is singing loud its morning hymn of absolutely silent that

verse: compassionate fantastic mystical light of light is

it's not that there's nothing,
but the something we believe
to be the all and everything is
really not a thing at all—

what there is is that unknown;
not non-existent, not non-energetic, not non-aware,
but non-phenomenally noumenal,
and emphatically this is that—

and this which is one united loving and
compassionate fantastic mystical light of light is
singing loud its morning hymn
of absolutely silent that


16th circular - appears

in sentience, the world appears in the mind and through the world, mind experiences itself—

in attention, the mind appears in consciousness and through the mind, consciousness intuits itself—

in silence, consciousness appears in awareness and through consciousness, awareness is…

verse: awareness is

in sentience,
the world appears in the mind
and through the world,
mind experiences itself—
in attention,
the mind appears in consciousness
and through the mind,
consciousness intuits itself—
in silence,
consciousness appears in awareness
and through consciousness,
awareness is…


15th circular - intuition

the original concept is 'i am;' from that primal concept arises me and you and the world—

return and rest within that original concept of 'i am' until concept becomes intuition of universal consciousness, i am that i am—

in that intuition that i am that i am is the visitation of a pure awareness great unknowing noumenon, i am that i am that.

verse: concept becomes intuition

the original concept is 'i am;'
from that primal concept arises
me and you and the world—

return and rest within
that original concept of 'i am'
until concept becomes intuition
of universal consciousness,
i am that i am—

in that intuition that
i am that i am is
the visitation of a pure awareness
great unknowing noumenon,
i am that i am that.


14th circular - evildoer

god is universal consciousness and consciousness is movement and thought is movement based in memory within consciousness—

a person is consciousness in artificial separation due to an identification with thought (with the primal one being 'i am body-mind')—

a believer is a person mistaking certain thoughts as its separate god—

an evildoer is a 'true believer' identifying with itself as god—

but god is universal consciousness and all of this is but appearances in that.

verse: a person is consciousness in artificial separation

god is universal consciousness
and consciousness is movement
and thought is movement based in memory
within consciousness—

a person is consciousness in artificial separation
due to an identification with thought
(with the primal one being 'i am body-mind')—

a believer is a person
mistaking certain thoughts as its separate god—

an evildoer is a 'true believer'
identifying with itself as god—

but god is universal consciousness
and all of this is but appearances in that.


13th circular - nonduality

nonduality of not even nonduality is a nonduality not reliant on a thought of nonduality but nonduality of not even a thought of nonduality—

thoughts of nonduality assist in seeing what isn't; what is just is without a thought—

there's no opinion, no retort, no resounding echo of agreement, no disagreement, not a word of being or awareness or even one of bliss—

there's only this and this is that and what that is exists without a trace of what this isn't including that verbal thought of existence.

verse: no resounding echo of agreement, no disagreement

nonduality of not even nonduality is
a nonduality not reliant on a thought of nonduality
but nonduality of not even a thought of nonduality—

thoughts of nonduality assist in seeing what isn't;
what is just is without a thought—

there's no opinion, no retort,
no resounding echo of agreement, no disagreement,
not a word of being or awareness or even one of bliss—

there's only this
and this is that and
what that is exists
without a trace of what this isn't
including that verbal thought of existence.


12th circular – visualization

visualize this: the light of universal consciousness appears in pure awareness and descends in levels of its freedom, first in particle waves—

descending one more level, wave becomes atomic mass, descending one more level mass becomes molecular body knit like granite in its bondage—

now ascension will begin reclaiming levels of a freedom inherent in its one original state as if beckoned back to that pure state by itself—

first organic movement is encouraged; next plant life becomes attracted; then an animalian freedom is enticed to systems culminating human—

and the human is uplifted by what it calls the wisdom of the satguru or holy spirit to original universal consciousness in pure awareness—

where this visualization ends in understanding none of this has happened and all is always free unborn and pure awareness, that and only that.

verse: the light of universal consciousness

visualize this:
the light of universal consciousness
appears in pure awareness
and descends in levels of its freedom,
first in particle waves—

descending one more level,
wave becomes atomic mass,
descending one more level mass becomes
molecular body
knit like granite in its bondage—

now ascension will begin
reclaiming levels of a freedom
inherent in its one original state
as if beckoned back to that pure state
by itself—

first organic movement is encouraged;
next plant life becomes attracted;
then an animalian freedom is enticed
to systems culminating

and the human is uplifted
by what it calls the wisdom
of the satguru or holy spirit
to original universal consciousness
in pure awareness—

where this visualization ends
in understanding none of this has happened
and all is always free unborn
and pure awareness,
that and only that.


11th circular - why

spirit is atomic dispassion and this mirage of human life dissolves within its light as if it never existed which it never did—

spirit is just another name for being which is another name for awareness which is another name for that nameless great unknown so named—

nameless conceptionless meaningless causeless beginningless endless presentless groundless everless nevertheless viewless viewless viewless—

and so all is ultimately whyless for the why itself is just the essence of this great mirage dissolving in that nameless nameless spirit.

verse: another name for that nameless

spirit is atomic dispassion
and this mirage of human life
dissolves within its light
as if it never existed
which it never did—

spirit is just another name for being
which is another name for awareness
which is another name for that nameless
great unknown so named—

nameless conceptionless meaningless
causeless beginningless endless
presentless groundless everless
nevertheless viewless viewless viewless—

and so all is ultimately whyless
for the why itself is just the essence of this great mirage
dissolving in that nameless nameless spirit.


10th circular - story

this story is rewriting itself—

this story now tells the story thatit knows now all is just a story—

this story is no longer sold in the nonfiction section—

this story says the nonfiction section does not exist—

this story says there are two types of fiction: fiction that sees it is fiction and fiction that doesn't see it is fiction—

this story would tell of a third fiction which sees there is no fiction as well but there's no story to tell.

verse: the nonfiction section does not exist

this story is rewriting itself—

this story now tells the story that
it knows now all is just a story—

this story is no longer sold in the nonfiction section—

this story says the nonfiction section does not exist—

this story says there are two types of fiction:
fiction that sees it is fiction
and fiction that doesn't see it is fiction—

this story would tell of a third fiction
which sees there is no fiction as well
but there's no story to tell.


9th circular - suffering

to separate and individualize the universal is an impossible dream—

when the impossible meets the actual, suffering happens—
suffering comes in all sizes but the most insidious suffering is the one that seems like no suffering—

the suffering of no suffering is that habitual suffering which appears to the sufferer to be the normal rhythm of living—

this so-called normal rhythm of living is called the workaday world—

its language is gossip; its god is ambition; suffering is in its blood—

and love is its saving grace.

verse: when the impossible meets the actual

to separate and
individualize the universal is
an impossible dream—

when the impossible meets the actual,
suffering happens—
suffering comes in all sizes
but the most insidious suffering is
the one that seems like no suffering—

the suffering of no suffering is
that habitual suffering
which appears to the sufferer to be
the normal rhythm of living—

this so-called normal rhythm of living is called
the workaday world—

its language is gossip;
its god is ambition;
suffering is in its blood—

and love is its saving grace.